Sage Metering is an innovative manufacturer of the high-performance natural gas flow meter and thermal mass flow meters for gas flow measurement. The company has brought to market the first thermal mass flow meter to utilize graphical displays, a hybrid digitally driven circuit and the industry’s first in-situ calibration verification system. These state-of-the-art award–winning features deliver the highest performance, reliability and confidence for any thermal flow meter user.
Flow Measurement and Control Solutions
Badger Meter is a leading marketer and manufacturer of products using flow measurement and control technologies developed both internally and with other technology companies. Its products are used to measure and control the flow of liquids in a variety of applications.
- M-Series® Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Whether it’s improving accuracy, decreasing system maintenance or meeting the demands of challenging liquid conditions, Badger Meter electromagnetic meters deliver the performance your critical flow measurement applications require.
Hedland flow meters are the industry standard. The product line includes over 15,000 in-line variable area flow meters manufactured of aluminum, brass or stainless steel for fluids, water, compressed air and many other liquids and gases. Meters are available as a visual-only gauge, flow switch, or as an advanced flow transmitter with digital display and analog output. The rugged in-line variable area meters can be installed at any angle and perform at +/- 2% full scale accuracy. High pressure and high temperature models are available. The Hedland line also includes the EZ-View® in-line variable area polysulfone flow meters and flow switches for liquids.
Blancett fluid flow meters are designed with stainless steel and tungsten carbide components. This rugged line of turbine meters is ideal for harsh industrial applications, including secondary oil recovery. These products are also well-suited for the semiconductor and chemical processing industries, applications with high corrosive, temperature and pressure environments, and applications requiring 3-A sanitary certified equipment. Electronic options including magnetic pickups, rate and totalizer displays, enable the meter to interface with most computers and PLCs.
Impeller products are used to measure liquids in a variety of industrial and commercial markets. These solutions comprise data acquisition and data management products including sensors, monitors and transmitters.
Burkert manufactures magnetic, paddle wheel, and oval gear flow meters for continuous measurement and batch control applications.
Dwyer Instruments produces many different flow technology instruments for wide ranging applications. Styles include variable area (roto-meters), paddle wheel, turbine, paddle, manometers, and many more.